How to Start Your Blog Today

A Free Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Make a Blog in 20 minutes

“How do I start a blog?” will show you how with our FREE, easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials.
Start your blog doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. In fact, more and more people have started blogs every day. It seems that just about every person or company blog these days.
Start your blog
But if you're like most people, you may not know where to start. Starting a blog can be intimidating if you don't have the necessary technological skills. Not to mention that the number of options available for starting a blog can be just plain confusing.
Start your blog

Ready to start the simple step-by-step tutorial? Click here to go to Step 1
The good news is that a step by step guide for free on this site eliminates any confusion from the process, and requires only basic computer skills. So whether you’re 8 or 88, you can have your blog ready to go in less than 20 minutes.

Why Should You Use This Guide?

My name is Guntur Satya P, and I'm going to be your guide on this journey to building a successful blog. I've been building blogs and websites since 2002. At that time many have started my own blog, and helped hundreds of others do the same.
During this time, I discovered that becoming a successful blogger comes down to 3 things:

1. Setup your blog correctly

I'm going to show you exactly how to start a blog with WordPress, the blog platform that can be used from any computer or tablet computer or Smartphone. WordPress is the most popular blog platform in the world, and with good reason. In this step by step guide I'm going to show you exactly how to create a blog and WordPress configuration so you can get the most from it.

2. having a passion for your subject

What is the code? In essence, blogging about sharing your knowledge with the world.Choose a topic that you're passionate about making the process of starting a successful blog much easier.

3. learn from others

I'm not ashamed to admit it when you first learn how to build a blog and made tons of mistakes. You can take advantage of more than a decade of experience so that youdon't repeat the same mistakes.
Skip the rest of this introduction and start building your blog!

Why Should You Start a Blog Today?

Start a blog doesn't need to be expensive or complicated. In fact, the whole process comes to only these four steps:

How to Start a Blog in Four Steps

  1. Choose a name for your blog
  2. Install your blog (takes about 5-10 minutes)
  3. Customize your blog design and layout
  4. Write your first blog post!
The Internet is bursting with growth now. People more than ever online. This explosion in growth means more potential readers to your blog. In short, there is no better time than today to start your blog.
Before you start a blog, you can expect the following benefits:
1. income

Blogging can be very profitable if done correctly. Top bloggers in the world and obviously earn very little, but can expect a blogger for some time even for a nice profit if things correctly.
2. recognition

No, it probably won't be the paparazzi following you around because last blog post.But a successful blog can earn tons of recognition in their respective field. And know many bloggers just because experts blog.
3. it's fun!

Aside from tangible benefits such as a CV, income, blogging is a great way to share ideas with like minded person.

The Problems with Free Blogs

As a blogger, you have the option to create a blog for free on a variety of sites. This seems like a great idea in theory, but there are some huge drawbacks to using a free blog site:
Problem # 1: "free" is not free

Although it may seem strange, there are free sites blog to make money for the company offering you a code "free". They don't give you space blog because they like you. Instead, they make money, time and hard work invested in writing your blog. This is done in two ways:
Sell your ad space
Free blog sites will put ads on your blog. You have absolutely no control over what is being posted on your blog, you won't see a single penny of the money received from selling this ad space.
They sell you "promotions"
The subscription may be for one of these services for free, but you'll quickly realize that any significant changes to your blog will have to pay. Do you want to change the design of your blog? $ 50. Do you want to name your domain? $ 20 per year.
Problem # 2: no profit

The objective of the free blog sites to earn money to provide space blog, not for you. This means that you are not allowed to sell any products or services through your blog for free.
In addition, the company offers you a free code all profits from selling ad space on your blog. As you will see in step-by-step tutorial, selling ad space is a major source of income for most blogs, which is not possible with free code completely.
Problem # 3: no control

When you start your blog on a free website you are basically renting space for your blog. Because of this, is the owner who has all the power. If they decide to close down on you for any reason, then there is absolutely nothing you can do about it since you don't have actually blog.
To make matters worse, the free blog sites does not give you access to the full set offeatures you need to become a successful blogger. In a step by step guide on this site and I will show you some cool tips and tricks that you can use to improve your blog. Unfortunately, many of these things simply cannot be done on a free blog site.
Problem # 4: security vulnerability

The fact that sometimes get hacked sites. Yes, this happens even blogs are new,smaller. If this happens to you, and you are using free blog provider, hackers can steal your domain name, which means you will lose your entire website, and may get it again.
In short, I recommend staying far away from free blogging sites. It just isn't worth the headache or at risk, regardless of the type of blog you've started.
The good news is that pay for your blog can prevent all of these issues, and it's not expensive. In fact, it's cheaper than code "free" no hidden fees. In the tutorial on this site will show you my method, which costs less than Starbucks coffee-$ 4 per month.

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1 komentar:

Unknown delete March 1, 2016 at 6:10 PM

Thanks you very much. I can build blog. And my blog is download film

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